J2WORK Blog Cross Stitch Camera

Tag: Cross Stitch Camera

New updates will be released in November.

We know that you are waiting for this app. We’re working hard now. We have some issue of the things that changed in iOS 7, and the problem is being solved. New updates will be released in November.

Please love a lot of apps that are newly released. And another new apps will come out in November too.

We remember you for helping us in the beginning, we will contact you shortly. 😉

MacWorld article about Cross Stitch Camera


“Med Cross Stitch Camera förenar du korsstygn med modern teknik. I den här guiden visar vi hur du kommer igång med ditt första konstverk.”
“With Cross Stitch Camera connects you cross stitch with modern technology. In this tutorial we show you how to get started with your first piece of art.”

By Johan Wallén, MacWorld, Sweden

>> View Original Article in MacWorld < <

Thank you, Johan Wallén, for the good introduction.

AppAdvice article about Cross Stitch Camera

appadvice.com screen shot

article in appadvice.com screen shot

“Cross Stitch Camera will turn your pictures into detailed cross stitch patterns, but it also creates fantastic crafty effects even if you don’t want to stitch up your photos…   This is a must have app if you’re into cross stitching, but it’s also a great addition to the photo arsenals of picture editing enthusiasts.”

View Original Article in appadvice.com


Thank you, Juli Clover , for the good introduction.