J2WORK Blog News

Tag: News

Please look at this interesting project. Katherine Soucie’s Digital Textile Project on Selfies

Please look at this interesting project.
They’ve used our Cross Stitch Camera App.

Katherine Soucie’s Digital Textile Project on Selfies

Some of the students who did cross stitch did explore a phone app, Cross Stitch Camera on iphone

to help them explore another forms of digital media for this project.”


Source: http://www.makingselfiesmakingself.com/interesting-projects-with-selfies.html

News for Cross Stitch Camera v1.6

We deliver the new news for the first time in a long time.

It is an update to the cross-stitch camera app that you love.


Cross Stitch Camera v1.6

What’s New in This Version?

  1. Updated for iOS 8.
  2. Bug fixes and stability improvements. 
  3. New design and Icon.


We completed this work last week. Now, we are waiting for the review of Apple.

Thank you for your patience. We hope you like this update. 🙂

Hi everyone!

Dreams are meant to be lived.

“Dreams are meant to be lived.” – The Secret Life of Walter Mitty


We’re sorry. We didn’t post the news for a while.

Meantime we had a lot of  things to do first. Did you ever noticed that the developer’s name is changed?

That’s right! We have changed to a corporate account(J2WORK Co., Ltd) from a personal account(JUNSIK KANG).

We officially founded the company in the past month, has moved to a new office.

Now you can use a company name(J2WORK or j2work) to find ours app on the App Store.

And we went into the normal development schedule. We promise the continuous updates and developments in the future.

Thank you for your help.



First, We try to finish the development of “Cross Stitch Camera” for iOS 7. And next, we’ll update “I PIXEL U”.  We are doing it again because it’s not enough. Please be patient.


How to make a pixel bike?

The guide face in the picture above, please check the position of the pupil.
App try to draw a pixel over there. Mask depicts wider than the frame of the bicycle.
If you want to use a small brush size, pinch to zoom. Then you can use a small brush.

This is not a photo filter. This is a tool for pixel art!
If you want a great result only for you, please think about what you want to create.
Work is not copied. Is created.

How to make a pixel cup?

The guide face in the picture above, please check the position of the pupil.
App try to draw a pixel over there. Mask depicts wider than the cup.
If you want to use a small brush size, pinch to zoom. Then you can use a small brush.

This is not a photo filter. This is a tool for pixel art!
If you want a great result only for you, please think about what you want to create.
Work is not copied. Is created.